Gill And Guzman To Receive ADL's 2006 Civil Rights Awards
Tim Gill, founder of the Gill Foundation, and Lucia Guzman, Executive Director of the Denver Agency for Human Rights and Community Relations and a member of the Denver Board of Education, will receive the Anti-Defamation League's 2006 Civil Rights Award for their leadership and achievements in the areas of civil and human rights at a luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Denver Marriott City Center, 1701 California St.

Tim Gill (left) and Lucia Guzman
ADL's Mountain States Regional office's Civil Rights Committee, co-chaired by ADL Board Members Jim Kurtz-Phelan and Scott Levin, selected this year's recipients. ADL's Civil Rights Award luncheon costs $36 per person, and reservations may be made by calling the ADL office at 303-830-7177, or sending an email to
The Anti-Defamation League is the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency fighting anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry and hatred, defending democratic ideals and protecting civil rights for all. For more information, visit
Third Annual "Cookin & Jazz" Celebration Set For February
The third annual American Family Insurance Black History Month celebration, "Cookin & Jazz will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, at the Seawell Grand Ballroom, Denver Center for Performing Arts. This distinctive affair will feature some of Colorado's finest restaurants and caterers, live jazz and dancing. Ticket prices are $55 for singles, $99 for couples and may be purchased online at
For sponsorship information or reservations, call Carla Ladd at 303-400-5928.
January Events At DCPA
Target Family Fun Forum will be held Jan. 8 from 12 to 2 p.m. at the Historic Tramway building, 1101 13th St. Target Family Fun Forum is an interactive afternoon for parents and kids alike. Families move from classroom to classroom learning new skills and winning tokens redeemable for face painting, balloon animals, great food, and much more. The Family Fun Forum is free but reservations are required.
Free For ALLs will be held Jan. 11, 18, and 25 at the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex, located at Speer and Arapahoe. Free For ALL performances are designed for persons who have not had an opportunity to experience live theatre. This months shows include Jesus Hates Me on Jan. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ricketson Theatre; Gem of the Ocean on Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Space Theatre; and Measure for Measure on Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Stage Theatre.
AATF Benefit will be held Jan. 21 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Space Theatre, located at Speer and Arapahoe. The Denver Center for the Performing Arts African American Task Force (AATF) will host a benefit in conjunction with Denver Center Theatre Companys performance of August Wilsons Gem of the Ocean. This event will benefit The Denver Center for the Performing Arts Education Department and Cleo Parker Robinson Dance. A preshow reception will be held in the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex lobby from 6 to 7:30 p.m., followed by Gem of the Ocean at 8 p.m. in the Space Theatre inside the Denver Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $75, a portion of which is tax deductible. Tickets must be purchased by Jan. 6. For tickets call Tina at 303-446-4849.
For more information, reservations, event rules, and tickets, call 303-446-4892 or visit
Colorado AIDS Project Host ValenTracks
ValenTracks will be held Friday, Feb. 10 from 5 p.m. to closing at Charlies Place, 900 E. Colfax Ave., Denver. The Colorado Aids Project (CAP) is combining two past favorite events, Valentine Extravaganza and BackTracks into one for an even grander time as people dance to the oldies and the not so distant past. A date auction will take place so you can fill your social calendar with fun adventures. Buy balloons for $5, $10, or $25, pop them and win various prizes. A portion of all bar sales will go back to CAP.
For more information, visit To purchase tickets, visit the web site or call 303-837-0166, ext. 508.
Potts Trotters Racing Team Hosts Special Event
Join the Potts Trotters Racing Team on Saturday, Jan. 14 at 10 a.m. for the 13th Annual Run for the Dream Run and Walk. The run/walk will start at the Aurora Municipal Court. All registered participants will receive a commemorative shirt, refreshments, eligibility for great prize drawings and age group awards. Registration fees are $15 for all ages and $20 on race day. Proceeds from the race are to benefit Potts Trotters Race Series, a 501C non-profit that promotes health and fitness by sponsoring events such as this. Please make checks payable to Potts Trotters.
To register or for more information, call 303-877-8534 or email
Celestial Poets Sought In Free Poetry Contest
A $1,000 grand prize is being offered in a new free poetry contest sponsored by Celestial Arts, free to everyone. Over $50,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded during the coming year. To enter, send one poem 21 lines or less to: Celestial Arts, PO Box 1140, Talent, OR 97540; or enter online at Be sure your name and address is on the page with your poem. The deadline for entering is Jan. 11, 2006. A winner's list will be sent to all entrants and posted online. Winning poems may also be posted online.
For more information, contact Michael Thomas at
Colorado AIDS Projects Trains Volunteers For Outreach To At-Risk Populations
The Prevention Center at the Colorado AIDS Project will present Community Health Outreach Worker (CHOW) Training on Saturday, Jan. 21--Sunday, Jan. 22 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the CAP Office, 2490 W. 26th Ave., Building A, 3rd floor in Denver. CHOW, a volunteer-based program, provides street-based HIV/AIDS health education to Denvers hardest to reach populations. CHOW relies on volunteers to reach out to gay, youth, intravenous drug users, and homeless populations. Upon completion of the training, volunteers are able to use interpersonal skills to meet people "on their own terms and turf," describe concepts of health promotion and disease prevention, and explain the components of health and human services systems affecting communities in need.
For more information or to register for CHOW, contact Athena Lansing at 303-837-1501, ext 301 or; or Cajetan Luna at 303-837-1501, ext 401 or
DEC Seeks Community Input On Vote Center Locations
The Denver Election Commission Stakeholders Committee will be meeting this month to solicit community input as the DEC gears up for Vote Center Elections in 2006. These meetings are open to the public, and Denver residents are encouraged to participate. Vote Centers will allow Denver voters to vote anywhere in the city; a transition from the more familiar precinct style elections. Due to this, it is important that the community participates in the site selection process and assists in publicizing the change.
The meetings will take place in the first floor atrium of the Denver Election Commission Office located at 200 W. 14th Ave. The two remaining meetings will be held Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 5:30 p.m., and Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 3 p.m.
Denver Art Museum Announces Hamilton Building Sculptures and Native Arts Symposium
The Denver Art Museum announced its plans for public art to be sited around the new Frederic C. Hamilton Building, which is scheduled to open in the fall of 2006. There will be three new outdoor sculptures sited around the new Hamilton Building, ranging in height from 13 to 40 feet. The sculptures (Big Sweep by Coosje [Ko-sha] van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg; Scottish Angus Cow and Calf by Dan Ostermiller; and an untitled work by Beverly Pepper), are scheduled to be installed beginning in the summer of 2006, and there is potential for more art to be added at a later date.
On Saturday, Jan. 28, the Denver Art Museum will host a Native Arts symposium, [Re]Inventing the Wheel--Advancing the Dialogue: Critical Issues in Contemporary American Indian Art. The symposium, to be held at the Denver Public Library from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., will be structured to facilitate open discussion and meaningful dialogue among curators, scholars, art critics, artists, and students of native arts.
For more information, or for a full list and schedule of other museum activities and events, call 720-865-5000 or visit
Yoga And You Hosts Free Community Event
Come try yoga for free on Saturday, Jan. 7 at Yoga & You, located at 8170 S. University Blvd. #230 in Centennial. Presentations about power yoga, the Day-Star Method of yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and hypnotherapy will be offered throughout the day.
For more information or event schedule, call 720-488-3638 or visit
NAPAS Presents Building Community And Bridging Cultures
The National Alliance of Pan African Seminarians (NAPAS), Iliff School of Theology, presents their Black History Month Celebration, Building Community and Bridging Cultures, on Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., in Iliffs Great Hall, 2201 South University Blvd. in Denver. The reception is free (refreshments provided), and open to the public. The cultural program goes from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., featuring Opalanga Pugh, a national and international storyteller; noted poets Helen Littlejohn and Malik Sisk; and art displayed by the Sankofa Arts Collective. Get ready to share your voice in song, as you participate in a mini-uplifting revival of singing, preaching, and poetry facilitated by Rev. Dr. James L. Noel. On Thursday, Feb. 2, Dr. Noel will lecture at a Justice and Pizza on Social Transformation and Art from 12-1 p.m. at Iliff.
For more information, call 303-699-3401.
Free African Film Screening On Sunday, Jan. 29
On Sunday, Jan. 29, the Colorado Committee on Africa and the Caribbean, the International Action Center/Denver, and the Office of Diversity at Regis University will sponsor a free, open to the public film screening of Life And Debt, directed by Stephanie Black, and T-Shirt Travels, directed by Shantha Bloeman; two films about Jamaica and Zambia that show the complexities of debt and foreign aid. The screening will start at 2 p.m. at the Mercury Café at 2199 California St. in Denver.
For more information, call 303-329-5881.
Childrens Chorale Circles The World In Song And Dance
On Tuesday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m., the Colorado Childrens Chorale is delighted to bring concertgoers a unique glimpse of international musicality and present the Kunming Youth Arts Ensemble from China at the Teikyo Loretto Heights Theater, 3001 S. Federal Blvd. in Denver. The Kunming Community Concert features a stunning combination of beautifully executed Chinese dance and song with exquisite traditional costumes. Every move is precisely and beautifully executed; the ensemble provides a cultural experience you wont want to miss. The award-winning Colorado Children's Chorale will round out the program.
For tickets or more information, visit or, or call 303-357-ARTS.
LUNA Calls For Artists Entries
LUNA, an Artist in Residency Program for emerging artists, is seeking applications. Writers, sculptors, jewelers, painters, dancers and musicians, photographers, earthworks, ceramic artists, and body workers are also encouraged to apply. Programs for earning academic credit are available, especially for students with interests in entrepreneurship, psychology, art, music and dance therapy. There is no cost to the artist for housing. Application deadline is May 2.
For more information, call Dr. James M. Owens at 719-206-0622, email to, or write to 401 Directa, San Acacio, CO 81151.
Denver Owl Club Seeking Applicants
The Owl Club of Denver will send information to area high schools counselors this month, looking for qualified applicants for the 2006 Owl Club Debutante Presentation to be held on June 3. Since 1951, the Owl Club of Denver, one of the oldest organizations in Denvers African American community, has held its annual Debutante Presentation to recognize outstanding young ladies who are graduating African American high school seniors, excel academically, and make significant contributions to their schools, churches and communities. The young ladies who are considered for this prestigious honor must meet very high standards. A 3.0 or better grade point average is required, as well as high moral character and civic achievement.
For more information, contact your high schools counselor after Jan. 9.
Alternative Health and Wellness Fair Jan. 7
Join the Nzingha Cultural Arts for Peace project in a community gathering of health and information at the Alternative Health and Wellness Fair on Jan. 7 from 12 to 3 p.m. at the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library, 2401 Welton St. in Denver. More than 20 local natural healers and business owners have been invited to offer their services and products at the event. The educational booths will include Massage Therapist, Reflexology, Reiki, Yoga, Martial Arts, herbal and natural care products. This event is free and open to all.
For more information, call 303-331-2414.
Rev. Caldwell To Discuss, Sign New Book
Gilbert H. Caldwell, former minister of Park Hill United Methodist Church, will be leading a discussion and signing his new book at Tattered Cover Book Store, LoDo on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 pm. The book is titled What Mean These Stones? Lessons of Katrina, 9/11, The Million Man March, The Millions More Movement. Caldwell believes that the events he discusses in the book can become "stepping stones" to the future for all of us. The book addresses matters of race, poverty, religion, and culture. It is his hope that the book will make a small contribution to the discussion and action that should shape our response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.
RMHC National Scholarship Application Deadline Nears
High school seniors are urged to apply for the Ronald McDonald House Charities National Scholarship before the application deadline, Tuesday, Jan. 17. Students can apply on-line at
RMHC, a nonprofit, 501(c)3, creates, finds, and supports programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children. Its programs are grassroots-driven to enable the charity to offer help where children need it most; right in their own communities. In partnership with RMHC local chapters and the RMHC Global office, the RMHC National Scholarship Program awards college scholarships to high school seniors who might otherwise not have the opportunity to attend college.
For more information, visit
SMOC Presents Panel Discussion And Valentines Day Treat
Single Mothers of Color, Inc. (SMOC) invites you to Finding Balance, an open panel discussion that will be held on Saturday, Jan. 21 from 9:30 to11:30 a.m. at the Red Shield Community Center, 2915 High Street in Denver. Light refreshments will be served, and street parking and childcare will be available. Reservation deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 18; RSVP via email or by calling 303-293-2126.
SMOC will also be hosting Valentines Day For Me! on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 12 to 2 p.m. at Maggianos Little Italy in the Denver Pavilions (16th Street Mall). There will be a presentation & book signing by Mrs. Jackie Calloway, Repairer of the Breach Ministries, author of Love That Would Not Let Me Go. Reservations are $25 per person, and the reservation deadline is Monday, Feb. 6; no exceptions. Please make checks payable and send to: SMOC, Post Office Box 40983, Denver, CO 80204.
Writers Coach Reveals Secrets To Writing Success At Jan. 11th Boulder Bookstore Event
Thousands of people are "wannabe" writers. It seems that writing is easy and anyone who can put words to paper can get a book deal and make it big on Oprah. Yet the number of people who actually move from idea to publication is small. Certified coach and author Cynthia Morris has the key to getting dreamers on track and sticking with it despite the daunting odds. Morris, of Original Impulse, will read from her book, Create Your Writers Life: A Guide to Writing with Joy and Ease, at the Boulder Bookstore on Jan. 11 at 7:30 p.m. She will reveal more writing success secrets with interactive exercises and discussion.
For more information, visit or call 303-442-0664.
Calling All Students Grades 5-12 With An Interest In Music
The African-American Leadership Institute (AALI), in partnership with Smooth Jazz CD 104.3 FM, is kicking off a new program called The Jazz Garden in 2006. The development of a youth jazz band in partnership with CD 104.3 will serve as yet another vehicle for developing youth in our community. This program is a profound example of the role collaborations between the corporate community; educational institutions and community-based organizations can play in creating future leaders. It is AALIs hope that this premiere program will be the first of many offering a hands-on experience for young people in Colorado when considering future educational and career options. Interested parents and students should attend an informational orientation meeting to complete applications on Saturday, Jan.7 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the AALI Office (700 E. 24th Ave., 24th and Washington, Denver). Only 20 slots are available. Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
For more information, call 303-299-9035 or visit