| |  | |  |  | | Today Is:   | WHY THE URBAN SPECTRUM? Because... Advertising to today's multi-cultural markets requires a marketing strategy designed exclusively for the multi-cultural consumer. We provide solutions to your important business goals by * Selling your goods and service to our growing markets and * Reaching new customers for you. The Urban Spectrum has proved to be an effective advertising vehicle. We target and reach prospective customers with messages that tell them about your businesses, activities, products and services, and the benefits of doing business with you. Barriers to multi-cultural development are coming down. Ethnic populations, standard of living, and purchasing power are growing in absolute terms. If you don't already know, find out what the Urban Spectrum can do for you. Use the Urban Spectrum, Colorado's premier community-based, multi-cultural newspaper, to build your business and meet the growing demands of ethnic consumers. The Urban Spectrum is a free, monthly publication dedicated to Denver's multi-cultural interests. Our distribution of 25,000 papers attracts 60,000 readers every month. Our newest demographic survey indicates that Urban Spectrum readers are predominately African American and Latino American adults with annual household incomes over $38,000. The Urban Spectrum's high-quality and thought-provoking format has made the paper the most consistently sought after ethnic publication in the state therefore one of the most effective for its advertisers. In addition to our regular format, the Urban Spectrum features promotions and contests to keep reader interest strong and to add value to your advertising dollars. Additionally, our advertisers benefit from our high visibility and acceptance from the general public. The amount of time and energy we spend in community involvement and sponsoring community events pays off for everybody associated with the Urban Spectrum. When you advertise your business, you will attract the attention of a diverse and monied population and gain the opportunity to tap into a new segment of customers. How? By advertising to the ethnic community in Colorado's #1 multi-cultural publication...the Urban Spectrum. INSIDE THE URBAN SPECTRUM COVER STORIES AND FEATURES Stories that affect multi-cultural communities, locally, regionally, and nationally LOCAL AND NATIONAL COLUMNISTS Analysis and commentary about current issues written by local and national columnists, including political personalities. CURTAIN CALL AND REEL ACTION Critiques of movies and local plays with special emphasis on those by or about people of color MUSIC MOMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT A spotlight on top-selling musical artists, local talent, and future concerts in the area ART IN THE MEGALOPOLIS A critique of local exhibitions and artists with special emphasis on those by or about people of color FROM THE SIDELINES News about sports including profiles of athletes NEWSVIEWS News briefs focusing on issues concerning the multi-cultural population HATS OFF TO A showcase for individuals who have made achievements on the job, in business, in politics, and other areas of interest COMMUNITY NOTES General information about the month's community events ranging from workshops and lectures to exhibits and fairs CARE CORNER A place where people can help children (adoption, big brother and sister programs, and foster care) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Help wanted ads, legal notices, personals, and employment opportunities MONTHLY THEMES JANUARY A salute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. FEBRUARY Black History Awareness and a salute to "African Americans Who Make A Difference" MARCH Women's History APRIL Urban Spectrum Anniversary MAY Cinco de Mayo JUNE Juneteenth Celebration JULY Summertime In The Rockies AUGUST State Of The City SEPTEMBER Youth, Education, and Career Options OCTOBER AIDS and Breast Cancer Awareness NOVEMBER A Salute To Seniors DECEMBER Winter Holiday Season FACTS AND DEMOGRAPHICS The Urban Spectrum has published since 1987 The Urban Spectrum has an audience of approximately 60,000 readers The Urban Spectrum has more than 450 local and national subscribers Readership: African Americans, 69%; Latino Americans, 21%; Asians and Native Americans 5%; and Whites 5% Gender: Female 58% Male 42% Married 67%; Single 33% Most of Urban Spectrum readers are between 25 and 49 years of age College graduates or higher 42.7% Residency: Denver County 72.1%; Adams and Araphoe County 22.4%; Other 5.5% Homeowners 54%; Renters 46% Annual Incomes: $20,000 and under 25.2%; $20,000 to 40,000 40.3% and; $40,000+ 34.5% _________________________________________________ The Urban Spectrum is located in the historic Five Points community at 2499 Washington Street, Denver, CO 80205 Telephone: 303-292-6446 Fax: 303-292-6543
E-mail address: urbanspectrum@qwest.net
Web site: www.urbanspectrum.net
_________________________________________________ DISTRIBUTION The Urban Spectrum circulates 25,000 copies each month. Our free distribution is designed to reach the largest number of multi-cultural neighborhoods. Based on market research indicating high levels of ethnic populations and interest in certain areas, we target and concentrate our distribution in the following metro Denver areas: * Aurora * Capitol Hill * Cherry Creek * Commerce City * Downtown Denver * Five Points * Green Valley Ranch * Lakewood * Montbello * Park Hill * Southwest Denver Plus * Boulder * Colorado Springs Distribution locations include educational institutions, churches, libraries, public buildings, civic agencies, bookstores, restaurants, barber and beauty shops, music and video outlets, and other locations where there is a high interest in the publication. The Urban Spectrum also reaches across the state with distribution points and subscriptions nationwide. ADVERTISING RATES AND SPECIFICATIONS Effective January, 2006 AD SIZES: A. Full Page .
.9 1/2" by 11 3/4" (4column) B. Junior Page
..7" by 8 3/4" (3column) C. Half Page Horizontal
9 1/2" by 5 3/4" (4column) D. Half Page -- Vertical
...4 5/8" by 11 3/4" (2column) E. Quarter Page
4 5/8" by 5 3/4" (2column) F. Eighth Page Horizontal
..4 5/8" by 2 3/4" (2column) G. Eighth Page - Vertical
.. 2 1/4" by 5 4/4" (1column) H. Sixteenth Page
2 1/4" by 2 3/4" (1column) DISPLAY ADVERTISING
DEADLINE INFORMATION: Reservation for display ads are normally 10-15 days before the 1st day of the issue/month published. Materials are normally due 5-10 days before the 1st day of the issue/month published. THESE DEADLINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. To send ads electronically or for more information, call 303-292-6446 or e-mail at urbanspectrum@qwest.net.
| 1X | 3X | 6X | 8X | 12X | Full Page | $ 2,162 | $ 2,097 | $ 2,032 | $ 1,989 | $ 1,902 | Junior Page | 1,207 | 1,171 | 1,135 | 1,110 |
1,062 | Half Page | 1,058 | 1,026 | 995 | 973 | 931 | Quarter Page |
529 | 513 | 497 | 487 | 466 | Eighth Page | 265 | 257 | 249 | 244 | 233 | Sixteenth Page | 127 | 123 | 119 | 117 | 112 | OPEN COLUMN INCH NET RATE: $46 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
Classified advertising rates are $46 per column inch. They may be mailed to P.O. Box 31001, Aurora, CO 80041; mailed or hand delivered to 2499 Washington Street, Denver, CO 80205; faxed to 303-292-6543; or e-mailed to urbanspectrum@qwest.net. For more information, call 303-292-6446 or e-mail at urbanspectrum@qwest.net.
The Urban Spectrum is a monthly publication dedicated to spreading the news about people of color. Write to the Urban Spectrum at P.O. Box 31001, Aurora, CO 80041. Office address is 2499 Washington Street, Denver, CO 80205. For advertising information, subscriptions, or other information, call 303-292-6446, fax 303-292-6543, or e-mail: urbanspectrum@qwest.net. Attention Urban Spectrum Advertisers (you may copy and print the following section to assist you in receiving display advertising) Date: January 2006 To: All Urban Spectrum Advertisers
From: US Advertising Production Department
Subject: 2006 Advertisement and Production Deadlines and Guidelines Following is information to assist in the process of receiving display ads that will run in the Urban Spectrum. We appreciate your business and hope you find this information helpful. If you have any questions, please call Bee Harris-Diaw at the Urban Spectrum at 303-292-6446. PRODUCTION GUIDELINES MATERIAL SUBMISSIONS A. Electronically (see e-mail addresses below) 1. PDF (preferred) or EPS File 2. Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop (No Corel Draw) Please note: In an emergency, ads may be submitted directly to the printer to meet a submission deadline. B. CD or Disk (with print-out copy, two copies preferred) DELIVERY LOCATIONS
Materials may be received before due date (Monday through Friday) at the Urban Spectrum office:
Urban Spectrum
2499 Washington St. Denver, CO 80205
Materials may be received on the due date (or weekends before due date) at the Urban Spectrum graphic design office:
Urban Spectrum
Attn: Bee Harris-Diaw 5563 Xanadu Street Denver, CO 80239 Materials may be received electronically at the following e-mail addresses(es):
urbanspectrum@qwest.net 1st Address
beezy@qwest.net 2nd Address
For questions or more information, direct them to Publisher Rosalind "Bee" Harris at 303-292-6446 or 303-375-1304 (home office), or e-mail: beezy@qwest.net. |  |