By Amanda Kalina (Taylor)
PR Specialist, Girl Scouts Mile Hi Council
An evening rain shower didn’t stop the Girl Scouts from enjoying their Women of Distinction Reception festivities on Aug. 1 at Dr. Jody L. Mathie’s home in Denver. Girl Scouts Mile Hi Council named an additional 20 women for the prestigious honor of Woman of Distinction. Honorees are selected by their peers and chosen based on their contributions to the community, both professionally and personally. The Women of Distinction commit to supporting the Girl Scout organization.

2007 Girl Scout Women of Distinction
From left: Rebecca Watson, Maureen McDonald and Carita Watson
This year’s honorees were community leader and philanthropist Erna D. Butler, Xcelente! Marketing & Advertising President Toti Cadavid, Adelphia Communications Senior Vice President Connie Campbell, Nutrition Edge Communications Nutrition and Media Consultant Mary Lee Chin, Downtown Denver Partnership President & CEO Tamara Door, Seeking Common Ground Executive Director Melodye Feldman, Kacey Fine Furniture President Leslie Fishbein, 2G Associates President Diane Garcia, Little Voice Productions Producer Lindsey Schwartz Gutterman, Stanley British Primary School Head Mistriss Carolyn Hambidge, Denver Police Department District 3 Commander Tracie Keesee, Women’s Foundation of Colorado CEO Gretchen Gagel McComb, Denver Metro Chamber Foundation President Maureen McDonald, Governor’s Commission on Community Service Executive Director Toya M. Nelson, Cherry Creek High School Principal Kathleen D. Smith, Denver Woman editor Judith B. Taylor, former Denver Public Schools educator Dr. Martha M. Urioste, Latin View Producer and Host Sherri Vasquez, IBM Integrated Operations Integrated Technology Delivery Director Carita Watson, and Hogan & Hartson Partner Rebecca W. Watson.
Since 1997, Mile Hi Council has honored 327 women, all of whom share their commitment to the ideals of the Girl Scout program and help girls reach their full potential by providing mentoring, career exploration, and guidance to Girl Scouts throughout the year. Over the past decade, this event has raised more than $1.9 million for Mile Hi Council’s Outreach programs. Annually, the programs serve 5,000 girls who would not be able to participate in the Girl Scouts leadership development program without special assistance.
“I was a Girl Scout, so this honor means a lot,” said 2007 honoree, Tracie Keesee (pictured right). “It’s quite a list of women. I am very humbled.”
Honoree Judy Taylor agreed, adding the award means a lot because it’s connected to the Girl Scouts.
“It’s connected to the young girl in all of us. That’s what makes it so outstanding. And the money from the dinner helps the Girl Scouts,” said Judy.
Helping out at this year’s reception, sponsored by Northern Trust, was Girl Scout Troop 1719. The troop passed out flowers to the honorees and troop member Ariel Armelino, 16, from Lakewood, shared how Girl Scouts helped her become a self-confident young women.
At the reception, the retirement of Girl Scouts Mile Hi Council’s president and CEO Jean C. Jones was announced. After 25 years leading the organization, Jones will step down Oct. 1. The council plans to honor her with a special award at the Women of Distinction Dinner.

2007 Girl Scouts Women of Distinction
From left: Tamara Door, Jean C. Jones and Diana Whye
This year’s Women of Distinction Dinner will be Oct. 3 at the Denver Marriott City Center. The dinner co-chairs are Kate Paul, a 1997 Woman of Distinction as well as president and CEO of Delta Dental of Colorado, and Caz Matthews, a 2003 Woman of Distinction and president of WellPoint Foundation. Liaisons for the 2007 Women of Distinction are Jennifer Atler and Myrna Mourning.
Girl Scouts Mile Hi Council provides girls in Denver and 13 surrounding counties opportunities to gain courage, confidence, and character alongside other girls who often become friends for life. Girls are guided by adults who aim to make learning fun. Girl Scouting activities have been helping each girl achieve her personal leadership pathway for nearly 100 years.
Editor’s note: For more information on the Women of Distinction program or to reserve a table for the Oct. 3 dinner, call 303-778-8774, or
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