Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard, III Dies
Atlanta, GA - Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard, III, world renowned Pan-Africanist, educator, historian, and psychologist, died on Aug. 13 in Cairo, Egypt. He graduated from Manual High School (1951) in Denver, CO, received a B.A. from the University of Denver and taught in the Denver Public Schools before joining the U.S. Army. Dr. Hilliard spent more than thirty years leading study groups to Egypt and Ghana as part of his mission to teach the truth about the history of Africa and the African Diaspora. He authored more than a thousand articles in journals and magazines. He also wrote numerous special reports, chapters in books and books. He received hundreds of awards and recognitions from many prestigious organizations and institutions. In 2001, he became the Development Chief for Mankranso, Ghana and given the name Nana Baffour Amankwatia, II (“generous one”). He was 74 years of age at the time of his death and died from complications of malaria.
“Dr. Hilliard was in his favorite place, with his favorite person – our mother, when he died,” said his daughter, Robi Hilliard Herron.
Call For Black Screenwriters
Los Angeles, CA –The Guy A. Hanks & Marvin Miller Screenwriting Program at the University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television will be accepting applications from July 15 to Sept. 15. The program – established by Drs. Bill and Camille Cosby – seeks to increase the pool of qualified African-American writers in the entertainment industry and is designed to assist writers in completing a television or feature script that somehow examines African-American history, culture and iconography. Program alumni have excelled in the entertainment industry as television, feature writers, producers and directors and received a variety of prestigious awards and recognitions. Although a degree is not necessary, the program is for experienced writers who have taken the initiative to formally study television or feature writing through workshops or classes; a degree is not necessary. The program meets twice a week for 15 weeks beginning February 2008. Participation is free to those selected.
For an application or more information, visit www.CosbyProgram.com.
Actor Bill Cobbs Among Karamu House 2007 Hall Of Fame Inductees

Cleveland, OH – Karumu House, the nation’s oldest multicultural cultural arts center, will honor character actor, Cleveland native and recent keynote speaker at the Denver Urban Spectrum’s 20th Anniversary Celebration, Bill Cobbs, and several others at the Marriott Cleveland East Hotel on Sept. 9, 2007. Inductee categories include National Legend-Living, National Legend-Posthumous, Local Legend-Living, Local Legend-Posthumous, Fine Arts, Benefactor, Administrator and On the Rise/Rising Star. Nominated in the Local Legends-Living category, Cobbs has appeared in such films as “The Body Guard,” “New Jack City,” “Trading Places,” “The Ghost of Mississippi” and “Night at the Museum.” Other inductees include Louis Stokes, Nate Barnett (posthumous), Reuben and Dorothy Silver, Hazel Mountain Walker, Charles Sallee, Emily Laster and Chris Webb.
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Cosby Narrates Documentary Of First African American To Sail Around The World
Chicago, IL – On June 9, 1992, Captain William Pinkney sailed his boat, Commitment, into Boston Harbor after completing a 22-month solo circumnavigation of the globe – a voyage that covered 27,000 miles. Throughout his journey, Pickney’s communicated with students in Boston and Chicago via satellite, ship-to-shore radio and home video dispatches. He taught them math, science and geography and delighted them with many exotic sights. Bill Cosby narrates Pinkney’s high seas adventure in a new video titled The Incredible Voyage of Bill Pinkney, a biographical documentary about the first African-American to sail around the world the world.
For more information, visit www.mpihomevideo.com.
Illegal For National Banks To Seize Tax Returns
Ventura, CA – In the recent case of Hood v. Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, a California Court of Appeal rejected claims of immunity from state prosecution by national banks engaged in the seizure of consumer tax refunds to pay debts allegedly owed to other banks. The lawsuit arises from SBBT's practice of offering Refund Anticipation Loans to clients who have their taxes prepared at Jackson Hewitt offices. Secured by the tax filer’s anticipated tax refund, RALs carry fees ranging from about $30 to $100 and annual interest rates ranging anywhere from 60 to over 700 percent. National consumer advocates report that high numbers of Black and Latino tax filers purchase RALs, which typically target the working poor. Consumer groups have found that RALs cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Some tax filers using RALs have ended up having all or part of their tax refunds seized by SBBT when another bank claims the consumer owes money for a preexisting RAL. The ruling, however, clears the way for the Hood to proceed with its claims that Jackson Hewitt and SBBT engaged in misrepresentation, unlawful debt collection and unfair business practices.
For more information, call the Sturdevant Law Firm at 415-477-2410.
National Black College Tour: 3,000 Students To Visit 40 Schools
Conyers, GA - Founded in 2006, The National Black College Tour, Inc., is one of the largest college tour agencies in the nation, serving over 3,000 students and visiting over 40 historically black colleges and universities. The 2008 tour dates for The National Black College Tour, Inc., which have been aligned with high school spring break schedules from all across the nation, are set for March 16-21, March 23,28, April 6-11, and April 20-25. Standard tour registration is only $725. Non-Standard tour registration (which includes round-trip airfare and additional airport ground transportation) for out-of-state students is $1,025. Tour deposits are due November 16. For more information, call 1-888-4MY-NBCT or visit www.nationalblackcollegetour.com.
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Hughes Named Keynote Speaker At 13th Annual AABA Pinnacle Awards In Houston
Houston, TX - Cathy Hughes, founder and chairperson of Radio One, the largest African-American owned and operated broadcast company in the nation, will be the keynote speaker at the 13th Annual African American Business Achievement Pinnacle Awards gala (Pinnacle Awards) on Friday, October 19, titled "Igniting the Pathway to Entrepreneurial Greatness." Hughes will address more than 600 expected attendees at the black-tie gala hosted by the Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce (HCCC). Hughes is a sterling example of igniting pathways to greatness. She owns 71 radio stations in 22 urban markets in the U.S. Radio One is the first African-American company in radio history to dominate several major markets concurrently. In January 2004, Radio One launched a national cable and satellite television network called TV One. The Pinnacle Awards spotlight African-American businesses that have achieved success by combining vision, determination, commitment, and perseverance along with a dedication to building strong communities.
For more information, call 281-213-9554 or e-mail info@mwhpublicrelations.com.
Smiley To Keynote Ohio Young Black Professionals Conference
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Urban League Young Professionals (DULYP), in partnership with the Ohio Urban League Young Professionals (OULYP) and Wright State University, will present their 2007 Ohio Young Black Professionals Conference and Empowerment Zone – “Creating Effective Outcomes for Our Future” (CEOs for Our Future). The event will feature keynote speaker Tavis Smiley of The Tavis Smiley Show, which airs on public radio and is distributed by Public Radio International and Tavis Smiley on PBS. The conference – to be held on October 18-20, 2007 at the Dayton Convention Center in Dayton, Ohio -- is designed to develop young African American professionals, and will feature leadership training from the region's top executives, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.
To register or for more information, call 937-220-6665 or visit www.ohioulyp.org.
Students Start Website In Response To Hip-Hop Critics

Los Angeles, CA- Students and graduates of various colleges and graduate schools have launched a revitalizing website in response partly to national hip-hop criticism that emerged shortly after the incident involving the Rutgers Women's Basketball team, but primarily to offer a refreshing, intellectual dialogue concerning hip-hop: the good, the bad and the ugly. While website visitors can find the latest in music, media, politics, and pop-culture, the most important feature is the daily blogs by graduate students and young professionals. Blogs confront topics such as "Minorities in the Media," "Relationship Wars," and “Why Your Man Will Continue to Dog You Out," a piece explaining why some men mistreat their women. The new website also features monthly guest contributors and welcomes feedback.
For more information, contact Tamerri Ater at 310-946-1954 or imperiouspr@gmail.com, or visit www.ImperiousEnt.com.
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National Medical Association Installs New President At Annual Meeting In Hawaii
Honolulu, HI - Nelson L. Adams, III, M.D., of Miami, Florida was installed as the 108th President of the National Medical Association (NMA) Annual Meeting in Hawaii August 4th through August 9th. The NMA is the nation's premier organization for African American physicians. Before being elected NMA president Dr. Adams, a Howard University alumnus, served as President of the local and state NMA societies in Florida and served as Vice President, Secretary of the House of Delegates, and member of the Board of Trustees of the NMA. Currently Dr. Adams is the chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Jackson North Medical Center and President of N.L. Adams, M.D. and Associates. He is also president and Chairman of Access Health Solutions (AHS). He also declared the HIV/AID crisis in the African American community a "state of emergency." At the annual meeting, the NMA called for the government to provide funding for universal testing to stem the tide of HIV/AIDS.
Save Allensworth State Historic Park
Sacramento, CA - On Sept. 10, the California Legislative Black Caucus, in conjunction with Allensworth PALS, NAACP, Allensworth Mayor Nettie Morrison and other supporters will gather to host an Allensworth Appreciation Day and Press Conference in support of Assembly Bill 576, which aims to preserve the legacy, culture and history of Allensworth State Historic Park. The rally will take place from 10 a.m. to noon on the steps of the State Capitol. Allensworth is the only California town to be founded, financed and governed by African Americans. The small farming community was founded in 1908 by Colonel Allen Allensworth, the first African American Chaplain in the US Army and a Buffalo Soldier, and a group of others dedicated to improving the economic and social status of African Americans. Now approaching its centennial anniversary, Allensworth's legacy is in jeopardy of being desecrated by the proposed opening of megadairies nearby, which will bring millions of flies and unwanted smells from the tons of manure. Supporters for the preservation of Allensworth SHP urgently request the community's support to help prevent this treasured historic park from being defiled by the farming of more than 16,000 cattle by sending letters of support to the Governor and Senate to pass Assembly Bill 576.
For more information, call 323-971-1277 or visit www.allensworthpals.org or www.savethedatecentral.com.
Third Annual Virginia Black Expo A Great Success
Hampton, VA - More than 200 African-American business owners from throughout the region showcased their products and services to the public at the Third Annual Virginia Black Expo: A Cultural and Commerce Exposition that was held on August 25, 2007. Presented by Thoma-McCants Media, Inc.--publishers of the Black Pages USA Directories--in conjunction with State Farm and America's 400th Anniversary, this year's Expo focused on culture, commerce and international business. Black Expo is the largest event of its kind directly targeting the African-American community; a forum to educate, enlighten, and inspire the entire community and the African-American community in particular. This year’s cultural component included the exhibit Don't Grieve After Me, which explored the African-American experience in Virginia from 1619 to the present, vignettes from the African- American Trailblazer exhibit, as well as exhibits on music, the Civil Rights era, African-American inventors and an exhibit on African-American contributions within NASA. Attendees will had the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics that include business ownership, finance, and health care. In addition, celebrity guests--Louis Gossett, Jr. and LL Cool J held meet and greets. Live entertainment provided by gospel recording artist Yolanda Adams, youth activities, and food vendors will round out the Expo's offerings.
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Washington Wins Talented Teen Crown In NYC
New York, NY - Naomi Rahn, an actress from the state of Washington won the 2007 Hal Jackson's Talented Teens International Scholarship competition (HJTTI). Naomi won the competition on the Harlem Stage at Aaron Davis Hall in New York City. The 15 year old wowed the audience and judges when she acted to a dramatic piece entitled "My Real Father" which brought tears to many an eye. Rahn, along with over 30 other young ladies from across the United States and the Caribbean, were a part of the 37th Annual HJTTI competition choreographed by Miss 1992 New York State HJTTI winner Keisha L. Clarke. This year's theme was Giving Thanks for Our Dreams - with a tribute to the greatest dreamer of them all, James Brown. Rahn will receive a $6,000 scholarship to the college of her choice, plus she will travel and receive a diamond ring and other gifts and prizes.
White House Internship Program Seeks Candidates
Washington D.C. - The White House Internship Program offers an excellent opportunity to serve the President and explore public service. They are seeking exceptional candidates to apply for this highly competitive program. In addition to typical office duties, interns attend weekly lectures, tours, and complete an intern service project. Interns may serve a term in the Fall, Spring or Summer. Every candidate must be a United States citizen, enrolled in a college or university, and at least 18 years of age.
For applications or more information, visit www.whitehouse.gov/government/wh-intern.html.
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